The Travel Zone App

Your program in the palm of your hand

Features of the Travel Zone app

Stay updated

with real-time itineraries

group segmentation

and offline functionality


company visit details

speaker bios

virtual meetings


through event reviews

and rate every session

leave feedback


local must-see sights

top restaurants & shops


essential local contacts

emergency service numbers


optional events

trip extensions

How does it work?

  1. Enroll in the study program

  2. Your ISP contact sends you a Travel Zone link and program identifier

  3. Set up an account using your email address, password and program identifier

  4. Download the Travel Zone app from the AppStore or Play Store

  5. Sign in with the same credentials you just created

  6. Voila! Your program will automatically upload to the app

The Travel Zone App

"The app is key! It has all of the information in a one-stop-shop: flights, schedules, company info and speaker bios"

EMBA Student - Study program to Dubai 2023


Get in touch

We’re ready to assist with any inquiries or questions you might have.

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